More about async and asyncio#

Suppose we are writing an Anacreon bot that manages 100 fleets at the same time. Each “fleet manager” may sleep for many minutes, waiting for fleets to get to their destinations before taking action.

Naively, we might write code that looks something like this

import time

def manage_fleet(fleet_id):
    while True:
        ... # do some stuff
        time.sleep(60) # wait for next watch
        ... # do some more stuff

fleets_to_manage = [...]
for fleet in fleets_to_manage:

However, this will take a lot of time to complete. We are for our “fleet manager” to completely finish managing one fleet before moving on to the next. The call to time.sleep stops our whole program. As a result, the script as written above could take many hours!

Wouldn’t it be great if we could run all of our fleet managers concurrently?

By using coroutines and executing them on the asyncio event loop, we can run these concurrently!

import time
import asyncio

async def manage_fleet(fleet_id):
    while True:
        ... # do some stuff
        await asyncio.sleep(60)
        ... # do some more stuff

async def main():
    fleets_to_manage = [...]
    fleet_manager_tasks = []

    # concurrently run each manager on the asyncio event loop
    for fleet in fleets_to_manage:

    # wait for the managers to finish
    for manager in fleet_manager_tasks:
        await manager

At a high level, a coroutine is a piece of computation that can be suspended/resumed. When we call manage_fleet, it returns a coroutine object.

>>> manage_fleet(10)
<coroutine object manage_fleet at 0x7fd7c3b3e8c0>

In Python, we can resume these coroutines using their send method

>>> async def foo():
...     print("Hello! I am a coroutine!")
>>> coro = foo()
>>> coro.send(None)
Hello! I am a coroutine
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Because Python coroutines are implemented using generators, when they are done, they raise StopIteration, similarly to how generators raise StopIteration when they are complete. Coroutines can suspend at await points, yielding control back to the caller [1].

This is where asyncio comes in – it provides an event loop [2] that manages our coroutines, is able to run them concurrently (using asyncio.create_task()), and resumes them when they are ready to be resumed.

This is why anacreonlib is written with async – to let users easily write concurrent scripts.